November 13, 2007

I went to Provo.

Day #1.

4 am - start the long, unavoidable drive to BYU.

12 pm - boredom ensues...

3 pm - arrive in Provo only to be greeted by knee length shorts, teevas with socks, and the cold, cloudy view of the Y.

3:01 pm - say hello to our dear friend Savannah, and are soon stranded as Savannah scanters off to her cadaver lab.

3:20 pm - find ourselves trapped in a BYU dorm. quickly make ourselves resemble human beings and run out the door to escape the petrifying sounds of young girls singing along to Wicked, talking about their missionaries, and discussing the upcoming week's enrichment meeting.

3:30 pm - discover that piles of golden leaves actually exist and aren't an illusion.

3:40 pm - walk around campus.

4:00 pm - still walking.

4:05 pm - return to Savannah's dorm only to realize that we are locked out, Savannah is still in her cadaver lab, and her roomates are singing along to Wicked too loud to hear us banging on the door.

4:06 pm - discover the beauty that is self-timer.

4:20 pm - our prayers are answered. Savannah returns. We love Savannah for these 3 reasons.
1. She is studying to become a plastic surgeon.
2. She promised to give us boobs.
3. She promised to give us boobs.

8:00 pm - finish dinner. play with Savannah. go to bed. party animals, no?

Day #2

10 am - wake up. Savannah is at another lab, so we decide to explore. we soon discover this treasure.

12 pm - Savannah is back. we eat. laugh. and eat some more.

6 pm - go to dinner and meet up with our favorite person in the world. Julianne Dana. We love her because she laughs at our jokes even when they aren't funny. Which is most of the time.

8 pm - stumble upon a car that puts my chevy tracker to shame. it is beautiful and kind and you can draw all over it with chalk and i love it.

8:03 pm - after gazing upon the rare beauty of the chalk car, we have a minor panic attack at the thought of not being able to contribute to the mobile canvas. light bulb. I pull out Stephanie's colored Tum's from my bag and with a smile on my face distribute the chalky medicine into the hands of my friends.

8:04 pm - we dive head first into the task that lay ahead.

9 pm - meet up with our guy friends and play with them. sadly enough, we were too busy flirting with their roomates to take pictures. ok, maybe we were just too scared to take pictures with the beautiful men for fear that we would look like hobo's compared to them.

3 am - return to Savannah's dorm and fall asleep dreaming of the possibility that maybe, just maybe, one of the male models will ask for our numbers at church the next day.

Day #3

12 pm - our dreams are shattered when the greek god's "forget" to ask for our numbers. maybe it's because I forgot my church shoes and wore my moccasins instead. or maybe it's because Savannah had to seperate me and Steph during sacrament because we were too loud. or maybe it's the combination of the two. we are sad, tired, and defeated. we want to get out of Provo.

6 pm - spend the rest of the night with Savannah, the boys, our other friend Marci, and all the roomates.

Day # 4

8 am - make the long drive back home to AZ.

The End.


The Fletchies said...

was the truck actually a chalk board? and the tums was a sure stroke of genius. I am so very impressed. I'd like to claim you as my own is your mom okay with that? not like I'm only like three years older than you or anything. You know that the mesage board that said where the girl was was totally either an enrichment activity or a mutual activity for before they gradutaed. Why didn't I think of that?!? I think you should come teach me and the girls how to make them in May for their last night of mutual. Anyways your trip looked really fun and I am very suprised you can sit still in a car for 12 hours miss ADD. The end back.

Todd and Andrea said...

And you came home and said you might want to spend the summer in Provo ???? In your own words, "Are you on something?"
Do you even remember our summer in Provo? Seriously.

And you can tell Laura, that I will share you with her, but only sometimes. Like first thing in the mornings.

Todd and Andrea said...

P.S. This was definitly your best blog ever.