It is mid- November and I would like to wear a jacket please! I have an obsession with hoods on jackets and I can't wear my hoods if I can't wear a freakin jacket! Please Arizona hit that off button switch and make it cool down. On Thursday, it was cloudy and almost rainy. So Hilary thought "Lets whip out my favorite jacket with the furry hood and wear it" I walked around campus with it on plus my hood( yes I did get some stares, but its ASU and you can see alot worse down there), and then I started to sweat.PERFECT! So to compinsate I turned on the AC in my car and blasted the cold air to make it feel really cold. Please weather do me a favor and just let me wear my hoods.
P.S. Hilary's photo was taken when it was 85 degrees outside! She really is desperate for some cool weather! Hey, but she looks great in a hood, huh?
HOnESTLY - you two are hilarious! I love you both and I barely know you! Love being able to read your blog!! NEed to plan a girls trip or something! I just begged Alan to take to me somewhere warm last night. Maybe Arizona! I would give anything to not have to wear a hoody! I HATE UTAH IN THE WINTER! I HATE BEING COLD! HATE!
Enjoy the hoody! in 85...LOL
your cuz,
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