June 12, 2008

Jump Her

Please don't ever watch this movie. We beg of you.
We wouldn't wish this on our worst enemy.

Whenever Hilary and I discover that a movie is bad, we text our angry feelings to each other. It doesn't matter if we are sitting on the same couch, 3 feet apart. The texting will happen.
It happened the other night.

The following conversation took place between 9:17 and 10:00 pm.

Morgan: Can you believe that just 10 hours ago my life was better cuz I hadn't watched this movie?
Hilary: Rookie, you have no idea.
Morgan: This movie makes me want to punch babies in the face.
Hilary: Why does that guy have a baseball bat at the coluseum? Why is he pissing on the coluseum?
Morgan: Rachel Bilson has the body of a 13 year old boy. And the acting skills of a retarded asian.
Hilary: Billy Elliot should jumper. I mean jump her.
Morgan: This movie would be a lot better if Shia was the star. And if the plot was completely different.
Hilary: Amen! p.s. jump her.
Morgan: Samuel L. Jackson's hair looks like Sisco.

Worst 88 minutes of our lives. And we will never get them back.
I thought I was free once the credits rolled on the screen.
But the first words out of Hilary's mouth were "Hey let's check out the bonus features."
No thanks.


The Fletchies said...

bonus features? gross I barely do that on movies I do like. my sisters and I have quote fights through texting to see who can come up with the best one. Like from anchor man. Hey there's a rainbow, do me on it!

Todd and Andrea said...

never bring a movie like that into my house again. mother's orders.

nadia shea said...


nadia shea said...

I've been out of that ward for like 6 weeks!

The Spradlin Family said...

You silly, silly girls.
Cameron says the new M. Night Shaymalon(yeah...not sure how to spell that or even prounounce that) movie is a waste of time, and money, as well. Surprising, because The Village is a great movie of his. Oh well.
PS-Have you seen the trailer for Will Ferrells new movie? I think it's called Step Brothers. It looks HILLARIOUS!!!!! Not a waste of time at all!!!!